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10 Tips to develop #InterProfessionalTEamwork:


Adapted for use for Independent team meetings for IPECP


  1. Introduce yourself by first name to build rapport fast & break down hierarchy.
    "I'm Fred from ______ (discipline). I'm excited to meet and learn from you all"


  2. Make sure everyone knows your expertise and comfort level; tell people how and what you can help with!
    "Part of my training is _____. I may be of help in terms of _____. It's my first time to be in this kind of group that's why I am excited"


  3. Encourage people (team members)  to speak up, question and voice concerns.
    "How do you guys want to start? How about if we first say about what you think are the problems indicated by the case and see how our disciplines can help to manage the case?"


  4. Ask for help when you need it, you’ll know when; listen to your gut!
    “From the point of view of ____, what we basically do is to _______. In this way we will be able to______. I’m not sure how if it complements your discipline.” 


  5. Verbalize your thought process, what you are doing now and going to do next. #SharedMentalModels


  6. Close the communication loop! Ask for and confirm receipt of message/ information/ instructions.
    “Is what you mean __________?


  7. Look after and be civil to each other; everybody is feeling the pressure!


  8. Help others if you think they are reluctant to ask; trust your instincts & seek forgiveness later.
    “Maybe an important question for many of us is _______. Anyone who wants to comment?”



  9. Share the leader role; the most senior person is often the most skilled & needs to act!


10. IMPORTANT: debrief as soon as you find space and are able to. You are only as good as your last team debrief.
      “Did we accomplish the objectives of our meeting today? What important lessons we learned today and how can           we make things better next time?



Adapted from

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